Wednesday, July 23, 2014

How to recharge NTC ADSL from phones ?

We can now pay our NTC ADSL bills through our land line phone or our mobile phones. 
Steps to follow: 

Step 1. Dial 1413 from your mobile or land line phone 

Step 2. Press 1 for Nepali ( if you want instructions in Nepali) or 2 to proceed in English 

Step 3. Press 4 for unlimited ADSL and enter your phone number like 015555555# (IMP: the                   number should be followed by # key)

Step 4.  If your ADSL is volume base like 20 GB , 10 GB per month then press 5 and enter the                 phone number like 015555555# and the number should be followed by # key 

Step 5. After the completion of the previous steps, press the PIN code from your Pre-paid                        recharge card followed by # like for example 1234 5678 8900 3456# the PIN code                      should also followed by the #key 

Step 6. If your recharge card is Nrs.100 or Nrs. 200 or Nrs. 1000 then respective amount will be               pay for your ADSL.

For any other queries do write to me or leave comments below.

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